While most people really like using Internet Marketing

since it gives them so
many diverse possibilities, it is also still important to acknowledge that there
are lots of people who don’t work in this industry and view it with very
critical eyes. There are plenty of rumors and misconceptions around about IM
and even the whole internet. The individuals who perform within it recognize and
understand how great it is but it still posses a unique challenge: do you want
to be judged for it in your “regular” life?


Lots of folks who make money online do so using a pseudonym. They choose fake
names for themselves because they want to keep their IM life separated
from the rest they do especially if they are only working in IM part
time. Many fresh and part time IMers fear of being discovered by bosses and
friends. Of course, while you do not worry about this sort of thing, it will be
an important question: do you need to use a pseudonym for your online work?

There are a lot of benefits to using a pseudonym. The most important benefit, by
a long shot, is having the chance to build an identity for yourself that is
completely separate from your personal life and makes it easier to make sure
they stay totally separate. If you operate in a field offline in which a
professional presence is critical and people view the internet as something less
than worthy, using a pseudonym helps to protect you from prying eyes on both
sides of the field.

IMers are also likely to use pseudonyms if they wish to sell products in
different niches. This way they’ll generate expert and niche identities for
themselves that provide credibility to their businesses without having to worry
about looking like a dabbler. You wont have to worry about someone saying but
don’t you also sell to a conflicting market? because you’ll be doing so under
another name.

Sadly, however, one of the larger reasons that individuals do IM business
under a pseudonym is that they are trying to evade the responsibilities that
come with running a business, like paying taxes. If none of the business is
conducted under their lawful name, then they believe that they shouldn’t have to
worry about the money they make being reported to the IRS. Do not fall for this
kind of reasoning. Even if you do business under a different name the cash will
still be viewed as income and you’ll be held responsible for it. Further, the
IRS will probably discover what you are doing and cheaters are always found out.

Whether or not you select to work with a pseudonym is really up to you. For a
lot of people it is merely easier to have one name for their offline life and
another for their on the internet life. Others, on the other hand, think that
using only one name makes your life less complicated because there are fewer
things to remember. Internet Marketing


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