This Definition Should Make You Money

Just got this from Mr X.

If you asked 100 Internet
marketers what ‘marketing’
you’d get 100 different

In fact, I doubt 90% of
them would come close to
the following.

I stress this definition in
my business; it paints the full
picture we follow – it defines
what we do and how we do it.

“Marketing is an organizational function and
a set of processes for creating, communicating
and delivering value to customers and for
managing customer relationships in ways that
benefit the organization and its stakeholders.”

– The American Marketing Association

I’ve boiled it down to this:

“Marketing is a set of processes
for creating, communicating
and delivering value to customers
and for managing customer

That definition is so important
I have it memorized –  I
recommend you do too.

It’s easy to eliminate the
shortcut, fad, BS get-rich-quick
Internet marketing garbage
when you hold it up to that

Anyone not “creating,
communicating and delivering
value to customers” is not a

Those people won’t stick around
long, won’t make money long –
and you should run from anyone
who advises you to take that
crap approach.

I stress a well-rounded marketing
approach in my work.

Yes, I can and will teach you how
to make some quick bucks – but
I hope I you learn how to build
a business and long-term financial

If you “create, communicate and
deliver value” to your customers,
it’s tough to lose at this game –
because so few ‘get it’.



Don’t  Quit


Tons of Tips for Ranking in 5 Other Google Engines


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